Nesspress Yourself

Nesspress Yourself


All godesses shall nesspress themselves accordingly! This singular creation is designed with clever reuse of washed, sanitized and squashed Nesspresso® coffee pods. I’ve selected beauitiful colored pods in shades of gold, cream, forest green and a chocolate-bronzy brown. Pods are squashed into shape and secured together to prevent flip. Then wired onto a custom chain formed of repurposed copper electrical wire, which has been coiled into links. The center grouping features two full circle squashed pods with a centered half pod.

You can view my technique and the construction of this beauty on my Instagram! This has a lovely weight and feel to it. Nesspress Yourself!

Chain fits 15+1/2” circumference. Pods measure approx. 2+1/4” in diamter full circle. Center pendant hangs down approx. 8” from chain to bottom gold pod. Chain is fastened from the copper wire with hook and circle.

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